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Are you feeling lost in a sea of buzzwords like blockchain, NFT, fungible, and dApp? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Our team can help you integrate these exciting new technologies into your project. They offer genuine and valuable tools that can safeguard copyrights, validate certifications, and authenticate documentation for businesses of any size.
At its core, a blockchain is a type of shared database that stores information differently than a typical database. Data is stored in blocks that are linked together via cryptography, creating an immutable transaction ledger. NFTs provide each digital asset with authenticity through verifiable metadata and a transaction log that proves the history of ownership.
But the benefits of blockchain technology don’t stop there. The increased speed, efficiency, and automation of applications can lead to significant cost savings.
When it comes to creating a decentralized application, there are several factors to consider, including the technology, the actual chain, and the supporting frameworks. Not every idea or product requires these technologies, and each path has pros and cons to weigh. Consider factors such as data storage needs, data volume, central control, auditable transaction history, cost, community size, activity, and reasoning for complete decentralization.
If you’re looking for the benefits of blockchain technologies but are comfortable with a slightly more centralized option, there are opportunities outside of the major networks. Public Key Encryption and fully managed ledger databases like Amazon QLDB can help you engage in new technologies while remaining in control of the network.
Whether you’re interested in learning more about the potential benefits, want to discuss an idea, or have already validated the need for blockchain technology on your project, our team is here to help. We’re just as excited as you are about the possibilities!